Discover How Motivated You Are To Sell Real Estate As An Agent A Twenty-Question Quiz Provides Your Level Of Motivation In Eight Categories Step 1 of 21 4% No email is necessary. Please answer in a way that is most consistent with how you generally behave (not how you think you should behave). Please give your initial response without thinking about the question too much. Avoid answering in the middle as much as possible. If you are not yet an agent, please respond based on how you imagine you will do.I usually wait until a situation is right before I take action.(Required) Strongly Disagree Disagree In the Middle Agree Strongly Agree Plenty of future clients are available out there, just waiting for me to go out and find them.(Required) Strongly Disagree Disagree In the Middle Agree Strongly Agree I find it easy to hand out business cards.(Required) Strongly Disagree Disagree In the Middle Agree Strongly Agree I have a system in place to keep myself consistently in front of my friends, family, and associates.(Required) Strongly Disagree Disagree In the Middle Agree Strongly Agree When I want something, I usually take the initiative to go after it.(Required) Strongly Disagree Disagree In the Middle Agree Strongly Agree I know social media can help my business, but I use it more for personal reasons.(Required) Strongly Disagree Disagree In the Middle Agree Strongly Agree I'm persistent. I contact prospects until I get an appointment set or they tell me to stop.(Required) Strongly Disagree Disagree In the Middle Agree Strongly Agree People hate pushy salespeople. A Real Estate Agent needs to be professional and act more as a guide, a consultant, and a friend. Strongly Disagree Disagree In the Middle Agree Strongly Agree I'm very analytical.(Required) Strongly Disagree Disagree In the Middle Agree Strongly Agree When someone seems to be a prospect, I ask for an appointment to meet with them as soon as possible.(Required) Strongly Disagree Disagree In the Middle Agree Strongly Agree Even if I were 100% convinced prospecting For-Sale-By-Owners really worked, I would still be hesitant to use that tactic.(Required) Strongly Disagree Disagree In the Middle Agree Strongly Agree The thought of telling others I sell real estate when I'm out and about makes me uncomfortable.(Required) Strongly Disagree Disagree In the Middle Agree Strongly Agree I tend to jump into things without thinking much.(Required) Strongly Disagree Disagree In the Middle Agree Strongly Agree I heard it was a good idea to call and announce that I now sell real estate to all my family, friends, and associates, but as of yet, I have not done it.(Required) Strongly Disagree Disagree In the Middle Agree Strongly Agree If I use social media, it's with the main intention of real estate marketing these days.(Required) Strongly Disagree Disagree In the Middle Agree Strongly Agree I know how to take a hint. I'm happy to follow up as long as the prospect is expecting me and shows he or she welcomes my call or visit. I hate interrupting people uninvited.(Required) Strongly Disagree Disagree In the Middle Agree Strongly Agree I tend to think about things a lot before l act, and sometimes I end up not taking action.(Required) Strongly Disagree Disagree In the Middle Agree Strongly Agree I close early and I close a lot through a conversation with a prospect. I want them to know what I expect of them.(Required) Strongly Disagree Disagree In the Middle Agree Strongly Agree I don't like to infringe on people's privacy too much. I make myself available, but it's up to them to ask me for more information if they are considering a move.(Required) Strongly Disagree Disagree In the Middle Agree Strongly Agree Sometimes I bulldoze ahead with what I want to do without much consideration.(Required) Strongly Disagree Disagree In the Middle Agree Strongly Agree Well done! Okay, here comes the exciting part. Please enter your first name so the report can be addressed to you individually and press submit to read your final scores. Your Name(Required) First Δ